Literature database with bibliography, abstract and keywords for the entire area of steel along the process chain from the ore to the coated product and the properties of steel. The database bundles information from German and international scientific and applied specialist literature such as magazines, conference reports, research reports and dissertations, as well as other difficult to access literature. The StahlLit includes German- and/or English-language abstracts. It can be used both in German and in English.
- Raw materials, reducing agents, surcharges, up- and preparation, sintering and pelletizing, intercoction and fuel technology
- Iron production: blast furnace, direct and melt reduction processes, raw iron pretreatment
- Steel production, converter and electric kiln processes, secondary metallurgy, fusion processes
- Urform methods: string and block casting, spray compacting, powder metallurgy, additive manufacturing
- Production of Ferrolegations
- Forming process: Warm and cold forming, rollers, forging, stranding and flow presses, pulling through, sheet metal forming, pipe manufacturing
- Heat treatment, surface treatment, coating process, separation and joining technology
- Metal science, metallography, properties of iron, steels and alloys
- Material defects and material testing
- Application technology of steel
- metallurgical ovens, heating, burners, refractory fabrics
- Machine technology, electrical engineering, energy technology and industry, general factory facilities
- Measurement technology, automation, model and simulation technology
- Standardization and quality management
- Maintenance and composition, planning and new construction
- Environmental protection, recycling technology, occupational safety
- Business Administration, Management
- History of iron and steel
German, English
File Data
Number of records: 520.722
Years covered: since 1980
Update: weekly
Stahlinstitut VDEh (until 31.12.2018)
Sohnstraße 65
40237 Düsseldorf
since 01.01.2019
Weidbrunnenstraße 2
8135 Langnau am Albis