Literature proofs can be stored in the TecFinder, - according to the document display - with the function "Save as RIS", for import into literature management programs that support the RIS format (e. g. Citavi, Endnote etc.).
You will find the option under "Save", where you can choose - beside the formats HTML, RTF and Text - RIS as output format.
The format RIS only makes sense in the case of fully displayed literature proofs. If you output the watch list in RIS format, you will only get the full details for displayed literature proofs.
In the case of unopened titles, the RIS issue contains the note: "Note: The information is incomplete, since proof of literature has not been opened or comes from a database for which export in RIS format is currently not available."
In the title list the RIS format is not offered, as the literature information there is always incomplete.
Please set the character encoding UTF-8 when importing into the literature administration.
Title list and literature proofs can also be stored in CSV format for further processing. For this, use the character set UTF-8, as a separator the comma and as a text separator the quote. For the watchlist the CSV format can unfortunately not be offered, due to the different structure of the evidence from different databases.